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Website Maintenance and Review

Once your website is up and running, we take care of the maintenance for you, checking for broken links and ensuring that it is fully functional.

We will also conduct periodic reviews of your website to determine whether any changes are indicated.

We'll study your website's logs, which can reveal very useful information about visitor patterns and interests. For instance, if visitors are searching for specific products or services that are not featured on your website pages, we can suggest that they be added to your website.

Or, if your website logs reveal that your visitors are searching for information but leaving on the same pages, we'll review those pages to determine whether changes might be needed.

As an additional marketing, we can also implement a quick online survey to question your visitors directly, and propose additions or updates as needed. This is a relatively inexpensive method of finding out whether your website is serving your customers' needs.

In short, we can help to keep your website from becoming stale or dated, and to keep up with consumer interest and trends in the Web marketplace.