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Promotion Help your customers find you

Search Engine and Directory Submissions

Part of any Web marketing strategy is to ensure that your website can be found by your potential customers. That means submitting it to the major search engines and directories so that your website's pages will turn up in appropriate searches.

The Major Search Engines
Most search engine traffic comes from approximately twelve "major" search engines, such as Excite and Alta Vista. We will ensure that your website is submitted to these search engines.

In addition, we can also research and review topical search engines and websites to locate any frequented by your target audience. Since these can be a valuable source of traffic, these search engines and directories can be included in your overall search engine promotional plan.

Major Directories
Major directories such as Yahoo! and the AOL/Netscape Open Directory Project (dmoz.org) are also of primary importance in gaining traffic, and therefore must be included in Internet marketing strategies. Although listings in Yahoo! or ODP cannot be guaranteed, we will use our best efforts to gain these prized listings for you.

Maintenance and Review
Search engines are notoriously changeable, and have become more so lately. Additionally, as the number of pages on the Web grows, some search engines have taken to dropping pages in order to make room for more.

As a part of our ongoing maintenance of your website, we can monitor your website's rankings on a periodic basis, resubmit where needed, and make recommendations for future promotional actions.

Other Website Promotion
We can also consult with you regarding other methods of promotion, including banner advertising, print and other media, to round out your promotional campaign and forward the expansion and success of your company.