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Website Design

Most visitors to websites are looking for information.

Providing it in a way that they can find it — in an environment that appeals to them, and increases confidence in your company and desire for your products and services — is top priority.

Your input will be integral as your website comes to life under the skilled hands of our design team.

Website Structure
At this point, we begin to implement the "blueprint" and strategies decided upon in the planning sessions with you. Your website begins to take shape as we decide how your information will be organized and linked together.

Special attention is paid to this linking system to ensure that it identifies important information and is logical and easy to understand — so that your visitors can find what they are looking for while progressing through your website in their own way.

Special-function pages, such as request forms, product demonstrations, shopping carts and interactive pages, will be incorporated into the overall website structure.


Website Appearance
Once the information structure established, the website begins to come to life in color and form as we focus on creating a "look and feel" appropriate to your business and target audience.

Your company's logo and illustrations are incorporated, and graphical elements can be designed to contribute to the overall communicativeness and appeal of the website.

The individual pages are designed to minimize download waiting time, for instance, by re-using elements on the pages. We also test the website in a variety of browsers and computer settings, checking for functionality, ease of use and clarity of navigation.

Pre-Launch Review and Approval
Once the basic prototype of your website is completed, we will put it on the Web for your input and approval.

Website Launch
After any needed changes are incorporated and your website has been re-tested, we will move it to its own webspace — and will launch it so that it is available to the world.

We can then move into the promotion and maintenance phases.

We'll take care of the details.
Whether you need to generate sales leads for offline follow-up, display your sales brochure online or conduct e-commerce over the Internet, we can design a site that fits your particular needs — and we can take care of the details:

    • Domain Names — we can arrange to have your domain name registered to your company.
    • Website Hosting — we can arrange to host and maintain your website for you.
    • Shopping Carts — we can implement a shopping cart so that you can do business right from your website.
    • E-Commerce — we have the resources to implement several methods of e-commerce, depending on whether you want to process credit card transactions yourself or have a third party process them for you online.